About Me

My name is Hejia Chen and now I am a Ph.D student with Beihang University, supervised by Prof. Shuai Li. I am also a research intern with Y-tech, Kuaishou. My research interests are 3D Talking Face and Face Reenactment.


Ph.D in Computer Application Technology

2022 - present
Beihang University (BUAA), China

I am currently a Ph.D student with State Key Laboratory of Virtual Reality Systems and Technology, Beihang University, supervised by Prof. Shuai Li. My research interest was Micro-expression Recognition (2022, BSc thesis w/ Xidian) and now I am working on Audio-driven 3D Talking Head.

BSc in Computer Science and Technology

2018 - 2022
Xidian University, China

I recived my bachelor degree from School of Computer Science and Technology, Xidian University in 2022. I was a student research intern at Center of Intelligence-Aided Teaching (CIAT lab) from 2020 to 2022, during which my research interests are Student Engagement Prediction (2020) and Head Pose Estimation (2021).


  • ICCV'23 Sequential Texts Driven Cohesive Motions Synthesis with Natural Transitions
  • S. Li, S. Zhuang, W. Song, X. Zhang, H. Chen, A. Hao


    • [2024/01/02]: My first day with Y-tech, Kuaishou as a research intern.

    • [2022/11/20]: I present an oral lecture online about our recent work on digital standardized patient history asking system on ChinaVR 2022, Kuming, China.

    • [2022/08/31]: My first day in BUAA.

    • [2022/06/29]: I receied my bachelor degree, bye bye Xidian!